Thank you for considering egg donation.  This is the first egg donation programme offered in Barbados and the demand for donor eggs is great so your consideration is greatly appreciated.  We follow where possible the guidelines set up by the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) of the UK in addition to the guidelines of the Barbados Fertility Centre.  Women, preferably under 35 years of age with proven fertility and without history of inherited diseases in the family, are considered suitable.


Women in need of donated eggs include those who cannot have a child because they cannot produce fertile eggs i.e. they have inactive ovaries often as a result of primary ovarian failure (including Turners Syndrome), premature menopause or after chemotherapy.  Some women with normal ovarian function would also benefit including these women who can be help by fertility treatments (IVF or ICSI) by receiving eggs donated by fertile women.


We arrange the services of our independent, trained counselor.  We provide consultations, investigations, medication and treatment free of charge.  Egg donation is altruistic, but donors are compensated for their time and expenses for undergoing the commitment of the cycle.


An initial consultation is required in order to record your full medical and gynaecological history, including a family history in order to establish that there are no genetically inheritable diseases or defects present.  We may write to your GP, with your consent, requesting information on any contra-indications to treatment that he/she may be aware of.


During the consultation we also:-


  • Record your physical characteristics and blood group
  • Organise the investigations needed prior to the treatment
  • Carry out a pelvic ultrasound scan
  • Discuss the treatment procedure including the drugs used and their potential side-effects, and the operative procedures and the possible risks.
  • Arrange a counseling session with our independent counselor.


All medical and legal implications of donating eggs will be fully addressed and discussed.  We can offer your referral for independent legal advice, if required, the expenses of which will be met by the recipient.


You will be given a consent form to be read fully and to be completed and signed prior to treatment.  Any queries arising from the consent form will be answered.  As an egg donor, you have the right to withdraw your consent for use of your eggs at any time up to the egg collection procedure.




A screening blood test for HIV, VDRL, CMV, Hepatitis B and C, and hormone levels are required.  This is arranged before starting treatment.




When you have decided when you wish to go ahead with treatment, you will be given an appointment to attend the clinic to discuss with our IVF case coordinator the sequence of evens and the dates involved.  You will need to return your signed consent form on this day.


The ovaries are stimulated by taking daily injections for approximately twelve days as directed by the nurse.  The daily injections can be arranged locally (at the GP’s surgery) or at our clinic or we can give you instructions for self-administration.  The stimulation regime involves approximately two to three visits to the clinic prior to the egg collection procedure.  These will be to carry out vaginal ultrasound scans to monitor the development of the follicles within the ovary.


When your ovarian response is optimal, you will be required to have a late night injection of HCG to ripen the eggs.  The injection is usually given between 8.00 p.m. and midnight.  It can be given by yourself or your partner or arranged to be given locally.


The egg collection procedure is performed in the morning.  It is carried out under intravenous sedation.  It involves inserting a needle into each ovary, guided by a vaginal ultrasound probe, and draining the follicles within the ovary.  The fluid aspirated is examined for the presence of an egg.  You should arrange to have someone accompany you home after the procedure.  You will be given a five day course of antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection.




There are rare complications that we try to avoid by taking specific precautions.


  1. Hyperstimulation syndrome


                  This is a rare, but potentially serious complication when fertility drugs are used and too many follicles (eggs) develop in the ovaries.  The symptoms of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome include lower abdominal pain accompanied by swelling of the abdomen.  The ovaries become very large and surrounded by fluid and this may cause some nausea and vomiting.  The loss of fluid in this way may lead to dehydration and decreased urine output. Any woman developing abdominal pain and swelling after the egg collection is advised to telephone the Centre and to attend for a check up so that we may make sure this condition is not developing.  In extreme cases treatment may require admission to hospital for bed rest for a few days and, rarely, intravenous fluids.  We avoid this risk by choosing the lowest dose of fertility drugs that will produce an adequate number of eggs.


  1. Bleeding.


                  Any surgical procedure carries the risk of bleeding.  This risk is minimal with the egg collection procedure.  You may experience a small amount of vaginal bleeding on the day of egg retrieval, which will ease after a couple days.


  1. Infection


                  As with any invasive procedure there is a risk of infection, which after the egg retrieval procedure, is minimal and is further reduced by the use of antibiotics.[/vc_column_text][gt3_spacing height=”32px”][vc_column_text]



Below is a list of lab tests required to be a Egg Donor at Barbados Fertility Centre:



Blood Tests:

HIV 1 & 2
Hepatitis B SAg
Hepatitis C Ab
CMV IgG and IgM
FBC (Full Blood Count)
Day 2/3 FSH, E2, LH, or AMH
Sickle cell screen

Physical Evaluation

  • Pap Smear Test
  • Physical work-up with Medical Dr.


Psychological Evaluation

  • Counselling session
  • All results must be current – i.e. within 6 months.
  • All these test results MUST be faxed to us prior to cycle start. Fax: + 246-436-7467.

[/vc_column_text][gt3_spacing height=”32px”][vc_column_text]DESCRIPTION OF MEDICATIONS

Birth Control Pill – This is to regulate your cycle and is started on the first day of your period.


Buserelin – This is the phase of suppression and facilitates ‘Down-regulation’.  It is taken as a sub-cutaneous injection when directed by your nurse or doctor.


Menopur/Merional/Bravelle – This is a daily injection used to stimulate women’s ovaries to produce multiple follicles during one cycle.  It starts under the direction of a Barbados Fertility Nurse or Doctor.


Choragon (hCG)/ Ovidrel  – This is a subcutaneous injection taken one time only after your doctor determines that your follicles are mature.  It facilitates the maturation of eggs and is given 36 hours prior to Egg Retrieval.


Cephalosporin – This antibiotic will be administered at Egg Retrieval.  They reduce the possibility of infection occurring after the retrieval.