
Let me ask you this …When I say the word FAITH what comes to mind? George Michael? Religion? Prayer? Taking a leap? Faith and I have had a tug of war kind of relationship. Well, maybe not so much tug of war than WWF, Hulk Hogan throw down, toss across the ropes kind of relationship. […]

Glass of Water

“Drink it”, he said. Ughhhh!!! I soooooo didn’t want to. You would have thought it was medicine or poison he was giving me, truth is… it was a glass of water! Insert eye roll. I know right?! That morning when we woke, my boyfriend handed me a tall glass of water. There was an innate […]

About 2020

Let’s be honest and put things straight from the start… 2020 sucks! I know I should not use this word, but can you possibly find a better one? This pandemic has affected me strongly. Both personally and professionally. It stopped me being able to help my patients in the way I would have liked. It […]

The Washing Machine

“How are yoooouuuu?” This is the most loaded question anyone can ask right now and for some reason there is an emphasis on the word YOU each time. If your answer doesn’t include the word “complicated“… in some vein you are not in my tribe! The timeline of this pandemic feels like it is now […]

Why did my IVF fail?

Failure after IVF can be devastating for many couple. A cycle of IVF requires work, effort, money and most of all… generate hope. Hope for success that results in having a healthy beautiful baby in your arms. So, when IVF fails, it raises the question of why? Why did not work with me? What I […]

BFC Honors Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month

The month of October is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness Month. This provides an opportunity to educate the public on such sensitive topics as miscarriage, pregnancy loss, stillbirth, sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and the death of a newborn. It also acknowledges those who have endured such a loss to let them know they are […]

The Bridge

Where has the time gone?! It’s hard to believe that it has been 4 months since we sat here at our virtual table! It was the beginning of COVID and I think we can all agree that none of us could have been prepared for what was to come. Here in Barbados we fell in […]

COVID-19 return to treatment policy

As we get ready to return to international patients coming to Barbados for IVF treatment, we have put in place some changes to ensure the safety for the patients and staff: Limitation of the number of persons simultaneously present in the centre with our waiting room seating area spaced for social distancing.  The three waiting […]


It was almost two weeks ago – I sat on a beach, the warm blanket of sand underneath me and the tears started to roll. Life was changing so quickly and I felt like I could not keep up. Sitting under the tree, I picked up a handful of sand and watched the grains cascade […]

The Pivot

The dictionary defines the word pivot as “the central point, pin, or shaft on which a mechanism turns or oscillates”. However with the recent tragic passing of Kobe Bryant, the reference to basketball seemed a bit more appropriate to the direction my thoughts were going in this month. In basketball this term is used to […]