The Nap

Unbeknown to many I am a napper, especially on a Sunday. There is something so very sweet about a Sunday nap that simply can’t be beat! I was thinking about my naps just this past weekend and thought to myself, what do naps represent? Why do I fiercely protect that time on Sunday between 2 […]


From the other side of the desk Today I write through the lens of the people on the other side of the desk…those of us that work in this very specialized field. I have been working in Assisted Reproductive Medicine for more than a decade now and it escapes me how the English language can […]

What is IVF?

IVF is used to help people with fertility problems such as low sperm count, ovulation problems, low ovarian reserve, problems with the uterus or fallopian tubes who wish to become pregnant. IVF stands for In Vitro Fertilisation. The term ‘In Vitro’ is Latin for ‘in glass’ because during an IVF cycle the eggs are mixed […]

PCOS: an infertility issue little understood

Polycystic ovarian syndrome, which is known as PCOS for short, is one of the primary causes of a woman’s infertility. Between 20 and 40 years of age, PCOS affects somewhere between five and 10 percent of women. This makes it the most widespread reproductive syndrome for this age group of women. Since PCOS cannot be […]